Metric fitting results

Metric "HDR-VDP-2.0"
Test set "Foley's masking data"
R = 2 dB

See the gallery of stimuli.

About the data set "Foley's masking data"

Recreated stimuli from Foley's masking measurements

The data set recreates the stimuli used for the contrast masking measurements described in: John M. Foley, "Human luminance pattern-vision mechanisms: masking experiments require a new model," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 11, 1710-1719 (1994). link. The detection thresholds were read from Figure 3b, data for KMF. Stimuli dimensions have been changed so that all images are square and cyclic.

The stimuli contain the detection thresholds for a Gabor patch in the presence of a masking signal. The masking signal has the same frequency as the Gabor patch. The orientation of the masking signals is 0 deg (the same orientations as the Gabor), 45 deg or 90 deg.

About the metric "HDR-VDP-2.0"

This is the proposed metric described in detail in the paper "HDR-VDP-2: A calibrated visual metric for visibility and quality predictions in all luminance conditions" (doi). It shares many similarities with VDP'93 and HDR-VDP, as it was inspired by these metrics, but the functionality is much extended and individual components are thoroughly revised. The major differences are: