Metric fitting results

Metric "HDR-VDP CPP 1.7"
Test set "Complex images"
R = 13 dB
chi_2_red = 16

See the gallery of stimuli.

About the data set "Complex images"

Distortions in complex images

This data set was measured for comprehensive testing of visual models using actual distortions and complex images. The distortions are white-noise, JPEG compression artifacts, bilinear upsampling (blurring), and sine-gratings. All distortions are restricted to a small image regions to simplify the measurements.

The thresholds were measured in the 4-alternative-forced-choice experiment, in which all four images were shown side-by-side. The measurement procedure was the same as for the "Contrast sensitivity for wide luminance range" data set.

About the metric "HDR-VDP CPP 1.7"

This is the Visual Difference Predictor for High Dynamic Range Images, C++ implementation from, version 1.7

The metric is an extension of the VDP'93 metric that can better handle high dynamic range images. HDR-VDP includes, in addition to the VDP'93 feature set, a model of glare (intra-occular light scatter), photoreceptor response (single luminance channel) and the CSF that adapts locally to the pixel luminance.

The algorithm is described in: R. Mantiuk, S. Daly, K. Myszkowski, and H.P. Seidel. "Predicting visible differences in high dynamic range images: model and its calibration." In Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, 204-214, 2005.