Comparison of quality metrics for the LIVE database

The plots below compare quality predictions of the selected metrics agains the LIVE image quality database [Sheikh HR, Sabir MF, Bovik AC. A Statistical Evaluation of Recent Full Reference Image Quality Assessment Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 2006;15(11):3440-3451].

The prediction error is reported as Spearman's and Kendall's correlation coeffcients (values closer to 1 or -1 indicate higher correlation), root-mean-square error (RMSE, the lower value means the lower prediction error) and chi2red statistic (RMSE scaled in the units of measurement standard deviation). Additionally, Spearman's rho and RMSE are reported for each distortion type separatelly. The solid line is the best fit of the logistic function. A single logistic function has been fitted for all distortion types, but only the LIVE database was used for fitting.

The original score values from the LIVE database were inverted (MOS=100-DMOS) for more intuitive interpretation and better consitency across the datasets. The mapping function log(1-SSIM) was used for both SSIM and MS-SSIM before fitting the logistic function as it provided better fits for these two metrics.


Spearman's rho = -0.9544
Kendall's tau = -0.8077
RMSE = 8.5
chi2red = 0.5869
Logistic function: MOS=100/(1+exp(4.745*(x+0.1755)))
Fast-fading wireless -0.9483 8.588
Gaussian blur -0.9554 6.709
JPEG2000 compression -0.9486 7.976
JPEG compression -0.9744 8.56
White noise -0.9671 10.34

Spearman's rho = -0.9486
Kendall's tau = -0.8008
RMSE = 9.07
chi2red = 0.6948
Logistic function: MOS=100/(1+exp(0.8517*(x+2.819)))
Fast-fading wireless 0.9429 9.914
Gaussian blur 0.9543 8.202
JPEG2000 compression 0.9632 6.9
JPEG compression 0.982 9.783
White noise 0.9756 10.34

Spearman's rho = 0.9291
Kendall's tau = 0.7629
RMSE = 11.63
chi2red = 1.251
Logistic function: MOS=100/(1+exp(-0.0948*(x-24.06)))
Fast-fading wireless 0.9485 10.72
Gaussian blur 0.888 14.73
JPEG2000 compression 0.9589 7.121
JPEG compression 0.9832 10.4
White noise 0.9667 14.23

Spearman's rho = -0.9065
Kendall's tau = -0.7252
RMSE = 12.11
chi2red = 1.193
Logistic function: MOS=100/(1+exp(1.197*(x+1.62)))
Fast-fading wireless 0.9415 9.96
Gaussian blur 0.895 10.38
JPEG2000 compression 0.9354 8.834
JPEG compression 0.9517 13.05
White noise 0.9625 16.95

Spearman's rho = 0.8746
Kendall's tau = 0.6828
RMSE = 13.66
chi2red = 1.427
Logistic function: MOS=100/(1+exp(-0.1657*(x-26.19)))
Fast-fading wireless 0.8874 13.54
Gaussian blur 0.7876 11.97
JPEG2000 compression 0.8886 12.28
JPEG compression 0.9069 15.56
White noise 0.9856 14.61